Thursday, April 22, 2010

Get Out!

There are so many benefits to being outdoors and active. Cleaner air is probably the first thing that pops into my mind but that is just a start. For kids, the benefits are amazing. Kids that spend time outside on a daily basis have better grades in school, act out less at home/school, have longer attention spans, are healthier, live longer, maintain a healthier weight, lead a more active life style, the list goes on. The one benefit that sticks out most for me is stronger bones and lower cancer risk. If you could give your kids all these wonderful health benefits by just teaching them to play outside, why wouldn't you? Walk away from the computer, turn off the TV, and get OUT! If it is raining, go jump in some puddles. Most importantly remember that children learn by example. If you sit on the couch and eat junk all the time, eventually they will too.

Oh, and do not forget to take your dogs!!

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