Friday, April 30, 2010

The New Dirty Dozen!

Here You Go!
UGH!! And I just bought non-organic kale for the first time ever because I thought I was being too fanatical about the whole organic vs non thing. People in my family are always looking at me like I am a freak and saying things like, "I ate nitrates all my life" and, "I sprayed my vegetable garden every year and I am still here." That is the part that gets me, "I am still here". Yep, you are, and you are full of toxins. I used to think anything in moderation was ok. A little high fructose corn syrup here, a little aspertame there, and some non-organic peaches with as many as 62 pesticides, and lets see some MSG... Now I think it all adds up to an unhealthy body full of toxins. A body that has a hard time fighting infections, allergies, and is more suseptible to things like cancer, fatigue, and just general poor health. I will continue to buy my non-organic produce but I will try to stick to the Clean 15!

This reminds me of something that just happened last night and had me in such a mood. My raw milk order didn't come in until 4 pm and I was in the middle of making lentil soup for dinner. I was going to make whole wheat dinner rolls to go with the soup but I also wanted to walk the dogs so I decided to take the whole family for a quick walk, because exercise and fresh air is so important:) and I thought I'd just pick up some rolls or bread on my way home from picking up my milk. So I stop at this local grocery store and there is not a single bread product in the whole store that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup and/or some evil preservative in it. Actually they all had HFCS, even the ones that were "fresh" from the bakery. Not one!! So I left empty handed and my family had Ezekiel sprouted grain english muffins with our lentil soup:)

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